Tag: Chicken

Chicken Orzo Soup

Chicken Orzo Soup

With the “cold” weather upon us in sunny San Diego, Kevin and Keira have both already caught a bug that wiped them out.  So, as expected, I whipped them up my amazing chicken orzo soup recipe.  Trust me when I say, this hearty and healthy 

Paleo Enchilada Casserole

Paleo Enchilada Casserole

After completing my first Whole30, I knew my style of cooking had forever changed. I wanted to make all my favorite food whole30 compliant or paleo friendly, or something close to it – because let’s be honest we all know I love my cheese. Something 

Peach and Habanero Roasted Chicken

Peach and Habanero Roasted Chicken

I absolutely love making this Whole30 spatchchock chicken with peaches and habaneros! If you haven’t tried your hand at making any kind of oven roasted spatchcock chicken, it’s time to join the spatchcock chicken club! One day soon, I’ll upload a how-to video for an 

Quick and Flavorful Chicken Tortilla Soup

Quick and Flavorful Chicken Tortilla Soup

There’s nothing better than a quick and flavorful chicken tortilla soup with a hint of spice on a cold afternoon. Sometimes it can be very intimidating to make soup from scratch, especially when you have a toddler running around and opening all the kitchen cabinets