
Hi, Friends!

I’m Kayla, the coffee loving foodie behind Savor and Crave.

My decision to create a space filled with my favorite recipes to share started shortly after my beautiful daughter was born, and, of course, with the encouragement of my loving husband.  

My Why

But first, let’s rewind a bit.  I grew up in the Bay Area and I was one of the MOST picky kids on the block. 

Mom and Dad, I am so sorry, your cooking was and is delicious, I was crazy to think otherwise.

When I moved to San Diego for college, I quickly learned how close minded I was to the world of food and began to explore the many cuisines this beautiful city offers. 

I fell in love with food and all the flavor it has to offer. 

As we all know, eating out often pairs with over indulging, from that irresistible bread, a few eye-catching appetizers, the rich main course, and of course a beer or two.  Before you know it, you are stuffed, tired, and spending a lot more money than you initially planned.

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE eating out and continue to eat out to this day, but a lot less frequently for a few reasons:

One, it’s a lot cheaper to eat at home; Two, I get to choose the ingredients and therefore feel better; Three, I spend more time in MY kitchen doing what I love surrounded by the ones I love; And four, I’m always filled with so much excitement and comfort seeing my family eat the food I serve them. 

The more I started to cook at home and create recipes that my husband and friends loved, the more they would ask what I put in the dish and how it was seasoned.  Sometimes I would remember, but more often than not I couldn’t quite recall.  So, I decided to start cataloging my recipes on little recipe cards, because, DANG, those recipe cards are so cute!  Sharing my little recipe cards was so fun, but limited the audience I could share them with.

So here I am, creating a space to share my whole and healthy recipes with my family, my friends, and this new little world of blogging.  I hope you enjoy this space as much as I do.  Food brings people together, I truly hope you enjoy cooking these recipes in your kitchen as much as I have. 
